We are looking for a professional barber to Kajaani. In addition to normal barber services, our services include, for example: Turkish-style haircuts and hair styling, hair washes and beard washes, shaving and beard styling. We hope to have mastery of various barber services and know-how, such as mastering the styling of different hair and beard styles and the skill of using a razor.
Kajaani is situated in Kainuu, Nothern Finland. We can help you find an apartment and other settling services.
If you are interested, contact for further information Amir Rafik Said, phone +358 46570 8671.
Please send your application already during the application period to the following email-address amirnwlook@gmail.com
Applicants from Finland and the EU/EEA area are primarily recruited.
Työpaikan osoite / address: Kauppakatu 28, 87100 Kajaani
Työ alkaa: The start of work is agreed together.
Työaika: Full time work.
Työnkesto: toistaiseksi voimassa oleva Indefinitely valid.
Palkka / salary: according to agreement