? How to make a good job application

Have you ever wondered why some applicants are constantly receiving invitations to job interviews, while others go without any response at all?
This is often no coincidence – it’s probably a question of how well the applicant can use the job application to convince the employer of their skills and motivation.
In this article, I’ll go through how you can write a job application that will impress the person reading it.

1. Understand the employer’s needs

First of all, it is essential to know exactly what kind of candidate the employer is looking for and what the job entails.
Read the job advertisement carefully several times, paying particular attention to all the requirements and desirable qualities expected of the candidate.
Learn about the company’s culture and values, for example through their website and social media channels.
This information will help you target your application precisely and highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the employer.
By demonstrating an understanding of the company’s needs and objectives, you will stand out from other applicants.

2. Structure is key

A well-structured and clear job application is everything. If your application is confusing or difficult to understand, a busy recruiter may quickly dismiss it.
I recommend using the following structure to help you keep your application organised and easy to read:

  • Opening: start with a short and concise introduction, explaining why you are applying for the job and what made you interested in the position.
    This is your chance to make a good first impression, so try to give a positive impression of yourself.

  • Middle section: in the middle section, you describe in more detail your skills, experience and achievements that are directly related to the requirements set out in the job advertisement.

  • Closing: end your application strongly by expressing your interest in a possible interview and thank the employer for the time they take to read your application.
    Keep your closing fairly short.

3. Use keywords

The best job applications contain keywords that are directly relevant to the job you are applying for.
These keywords can be related to job duties, skills, industry terms or company values.
For example, if you are applying for a marketing manager position, use keywords such as “marketing”, “strategic planning”, “customer focus” and “measuring results”.
This will increase the likelihood that your application will be quickly noticed by the recruiter, as well as improving your chances of getting through any application screening programmes.
Remember, using keywords does not mean over-cultivating them – keywords should sit naturally within the text.

4. Be specific and precise

Employers appreciate applications that are specific and concrete.
Instead of making general claims about your skills, try to give as clear and concrete examples as possible of how you have put the skills you have learnt into practice.
For example, instead of saying “I am good at teamwork”, you could say “The team I manage achieved a 15% increase in sales in the last quarter”.
The details will give the employer a clear picture of how your skills have delivered tangible results and how you could benefit their organisation.

5. Personalise your application

Avoid sending impersonal and generic applications that do not stand out from the crowd.
Personalise each application specifically for that employer and job.
This shows that you are genuinely interested in the job and are willing to put the time and effort into your application.
Personalisation can mean, for example, why you are interested in this particular company or how the company’s values and vision resonate with your own.
The more you can demonstrate why you are interested in this particular job and company, the better your chances of being invited for an interview.

6. Check and finish

Before submitting your application, please check it carefully.
Make sure that your application is free of spelling and grammatical errors and that the language is clear and professional.
It is a good practice to read your application out loud, as this can help you spot any clumsiness or illogicalities in the text.
You can also ask a spouse, friend or colleague to read your application and give you feedback.
An outsider’s perspective can be valuable in helping you polish your application.

7. Include a tailor-made CV

Remember that a job application and CV go hand in hand.
Your CV supports your application and highlights the strengths and experience you have mentioned in your application.
Make sure your CV is tailored to the job in question, including the most relevant information such as previous jobs, education and specific skills.
A well written and carefully targeted CV will strengthen your application and make you a more attractive candidate in the eyes of the employer.

8. Finally

A job application is an opportunity to present yourself in the best light and convince the employer that you are the right person for the job.
By investing in your application, you can maximise your chances of getting an interview and making an indelible impression.
Good luck!

Jaa kaverille!

Job search tips